Negative thinking results in emotional pain. Negative thoughts drain you of energy and robs you from being in the present moment. The more you engage in negative thinking, the stronger they become. It is similar to adding fuel to the fire. The greater the fire becomes, the more likely we are to get burned. A small positive thought that continues to be fueled can snowball into something beautiful.
When we start to experience negative thoughts, it is difficult to stop them. Shifting your focus to positive thoughts is the only way toward personal wellness and freedom—especially if you want to avoid going down a path that is painful and unnecessary.
Listed below are 10 tips to assist with Positive Thinking:
1. Meditate or do yoga.
Meditation or yoga is an incredible practice that allows one to turn focus away from our thoughts and brings attention to the breath. Yoga is very relaxing which helps ease one’s thoughts and mind. Yoga provides the opportunity to stay present to one’s experience in the now.
2. Smile.
The brain does not distinguish between an spontaneous or an intentional smile. Science has documented the benefits of self-generated smiling in that it improves mood and relieves stress.
3. Surround yourself with positive people.
Establish and maintain relationships with positive and caring people. These individuals can provide constructive and loving feedback. If you get stuck in negative thinking, speak to people who can provide a healthy perspective and will provide optimism.
4. Change the tone of your thoughts from negative to positive.
For instance, instead of thinking “I am not good in Math and will not enjoy or do well in my class”, replace it with “I will face some challenges in my math class, and will strive to do my best and learn from the class.”
5. You create your life—take responsibility.
You are the captain of your ship. Even if our situation becomes difficult or unbearable, there is always a way out. You always have a choice on how to change your situation or how you respond to your situation, if need be.
6. Help someone.
Take the focus away from you and do something nice for another person. It can be simple, such as donating time to an important cause. It gives an individual a break from focusing on oneself and allows us to feel better when we are assisting others.
7. Remember to accept and love ourselves with our flaws.
Let go of imperfection. It comes with the territory of humanity. It is easy to dwell on our mistakes. Continue to accept and love yourself despite your mistakes. The manner to let go and move forward is to learn from your mistakes and keep living.
8. Connect with nature.
When we surround ourselves in nature, we feel connected to something greater than ourselves and know that we are not alone; which is comforting. It also allows us to become present when we can see the sun, feel the warmth of the sun’s rays, smell the flowers, feel the earth beneath our feet. This does not require a big trip to the mountains, simply walk outside, connect with your natural surrounding and breathe.
9. Practice Gratitude.
Being grateful helps appreciate what you already have. A small 5 item list is sufficient: health, income, shelter, food, loved ones, etc.
10. Read positive quotes.
Post inspiring quotes in conspicuous places where you can see and read them several times a day to connect to a resonating positive belief. Subscribe to a positive thinking website or blog where you can receive a daily positive quote. Below is a helpful quote on positive thinking:
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
Source: Tiny Buddha
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