Dr. Aleksandra Drecun was requested by Cathedral Catholic High School to discuss mental wellness during COVID-19. She mentions how social/physical distancing has a negative impact on mental health. Dr. Drecun identifies useful strategies to help individuals cope with the challenges presented by COVID-19.
How to Handle School Shootings
Since the tragic Florida school shooting that left 17 people dead there have been more than half a dozen school shooting threats locally at San Diego area schools, including one Monday at Rancho Bernardo High and throughout the nation. Dr. Aleksandra Drecun, Clinical Psychologist on …Read More
Self-Worth in Relationships: EXaholics Webinar
EXaholics requested that Dr. Aleksandra Drecun discuss self-worth in relationships. She discusses the importance of self-worth in relationships and how to cultivate a sense of value in oneself. Dr. Drecun reviews strategies to improve one’s self worth. She also answers questions from the callers about …Read More
Turning Tragedy into Compassion
This news segment is about the recent racial tensions with the police in the United States. Dr. Aleksandra Drecun discusses the recent tragedies involving Black Americans and the police and how to move forward toward rebuilding trust, peace and connectedness within our communities. She discusses …Read More
Dangers of Hidden Apps
Dr. Drecun discusses the dangers of hidden apps on smart phones also known as ghost or vault apps that allow individuals to hide text messages, photos, videos or other types of files on a smart phone. This is a major concern for parents whose children …Read More
Gambling and Horse Racing
San Diego 6 CW covered the topic of dealing with gambling addiction with Dr. Aleksandra Drecun, Licensed Psychologist and Coach. Dr. Drecun shares insights about signs of gambling addiction. She discussed the repercussion of gambling addiction or compulsive gambling. She also covers how to receive …Read More
Managing Stress During the Holidays
Dr. Aleksandra Drecun with Association for Compassionate Transformation discusses on San Diego Living how to manage stress during the holidays. She discusses useful tips in alleviating stress to make the holiday season a memorable one
Coping with Wildfires Anxiety
Dr. Aleksandra Drecun on San Diego 6 CW discusses coping with anxiety, fear and grief during the recent San Diego wildfires. She mentions normal responses to the natural disasters. Dr. Drecun identifies three useful strategies to help families and children on how to cope. Coping …Read More
Back to School Makeup Rules
San Diego 6 CW invited Dr. Aleksandra Drecun, clinical psychologist and life coach to address when it is appropriate for daughters to wear makeup and how to handle the request. Dr. Drecun discusses how a young girls push for wearing makeup represents her perception of …Read More
Back to School Blues
San Diego Living requested that Dr. Aleksandra Drecun discuss the back to school blues that impacts children and their families. She discusses the stressors as the new school year approaches and how families and children can cope with the anxiety or worry that affects both …Read More