Dr. Aleksandra Drecun with Association for Compassionate Transformation discusses on San Diego Living how to manage stress during the holidays. She discusses useful tips in alleviating stress to make the holiday season a memorable one
New Year Resolutions
San Diego 6 CW requested that Dr. Aleksandra Drecun, Licensed Psychologist and Coach discuss New Year Resolutions. She talks about New Year Resolutions created by various celebrities such as Kim Kardashian. She addresses whether they are realistic and attainable. At the end of the interview, …Read More
San Diego 6 CW requested that Dr. Aleksandra Drecun, Licensed Psychologist and Coach discuss the psychology behind the new show H8R. She explains the slang term “Hater” and why people “hate.” She also talks about self-hate and whether it is worth trying to win over …Read More
End of Summer Blues
Dr. Aleksandra Drecun was requested by San Diego Living to discuss the end of summer blues that impacts individuals, children and their families. She discusses the typical end of summer blues and how to differentiate the blues from true depression. Three important tips are offered …Read More
Post Holiday Blues
Dr. Drecun on San Diego Living discusses post-holiday blues and how to beat them. She mentions adjusting one’s expectations, dealing with family, and tips on unplugging from our technology! She offers advice on when to seek assistance from a mental health professional. Post Holiday Blues …Read More
End of Summer Blues
Dr. Aleksandra Drecun was requested by San Diego Living to discuss the end of summer blues that impacts individuals, children and their families. She discusses the typical end of summer blues and how to differentiate the blues from true depression. Three important tips are offered …Read More
Do You Find Yourself in a Relationships with Emotionally Unavailable Partners?
We are all searching for loving and meaningful relationships. We hope to experience that deep connection and find what oftentimes society calls our “soul-mate”. What tends to be confusing is that we may be intensely attracted to unavailable people. That intensity of that emotional or …Read More
Don’t Carry Past Baggage to Your Current Relationship
Each of us have experienced positive and negative relationships regardless of how brief or long those relationship have been. As a result of our accumulated experiences we devise relationship templates in which we apply to future relationships. Along the way we develop attitudes and behaviors …Read More
How to Overcome the Discomfort with Conflict
In my work with clients, many individuals fear conflict. They often use the term “confrontation” which has a negative connotation and sounds aggressive. When individuals fear conflict they often go to great lengths to avoid it as if it were the plague. The problem with …Read More
Coping with Wildfires Anxiety
Dr. Aleksandra Drecun on San Diego 6 CW discusses coping with anxiety, fear and grief during the recent San Diego wildfires. She mentions normal responses to the natural disasters. Dr. Drecun identifies three useful strategies to help families and children on how to cope. Coping …Read More