Life can easily become chaotic during holidays with the added responsibilities and pressures. Work and family “To Do Lists” increase and compete. We may start to feel that we are in a rat maze racing to find the cheese. As we become inundated with various tasks, we often forget to take care of ourselves. The consequences are negative of neglecting ourselves, especially during a period of time where we are stretched beyond our limitations and unable to find refuge to recharge.
It is essential during taxing times such as the holidays that we do take care of ourselves. In roughly the same amount of time to check Facebook or our texts, we can take a brief moment to reconnect with ourselves. We can implement this practice several times a day during the busiest days to achieve a sense of calm and centeredness. Below are 3 simple and easy strategies to reset. Taking time to practice being in the moment and relax is critical in finding peace and winding down the chaos of the holidays (Yoga Journal November 2012).
3 Simple Strategies to Alleviate Holiday Chaos:
1. Create a Positive Intention: Adopt a morning ritual that permits you to celebrate yesterday’s victories and set a positive intention for the day. Such a practice can make a significant difference between feeling happy or distressed. Approach life with zest and remember your intent to love life. This allows one to embrace life: its gifts and challenges with a positive attitude.
You can do this by quieting your mind and creating a sense of stillness inside and outside of you by breathing deeply and recalling something you are deeply appreciative of. It could be anything ranging from your dog, your job, your friends or family. Write down what came to mind in a journal and write about your latest accomplishment.
2. Smile. Smiling is one of the most powerful behaviors a person can engage in. Choose to smile regardless of whether you are truly feeling happy. Smiling can be transformational because the brain doesn’t recognize the difference between a spontaneous smile or an intentional one. When individuals smile feelings of calm and pleasure are triggered within the body.
3. Let Go. At any point during the day when you start to feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and focus on letting any negative thoughts or difficult emotions go. As you breathe deeply remember that you can deal with any challenge or find a solution to a problem. Remind yourself that you do not have to take care of everything or have all the answers or solutions.
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