Adult Survivors of Incest
A group designed to assist individuals in receiving support and becoming empowered. The group will provide a forum to talk about the abuse and help in overcoming the consequences of the incest in one’s life with the intent of freeing the individual to make choices based on one’s values and ideals.
Agoraphobia Treatment Group
A group designed to assist individuals in receiving support and becoming empowered. The group will provide a forum to talk about the abuse and help in overcoming the consequences of the incest in one’s life with the intent of freeing the individual to make choices based on one’s values and ideals.
Anger Management Group
Through education and support, individuals will learn to reduce levels of anger and frustration and be equipped with the essential tools to effectively cope, diffuse and resolve conflicts. This group will provide the needed skills in dealing with conflict, in improving communication in various contexts that include the family and work place and in enhancing relationships.
Assertive Communication Groups
Through support and interaction, individuals will learn to communicate in an assertive manner in a variety of social settings with the goal of increasing self-confidence and in improving one’s relationships with others.
Autism Support Group
A group designed to provide education and support to parents of children with autism. The autism support group will focus on the unique demands and challenges of parenting a child with autism, learn about the various resources available to families and strengthening the couple bond.
Depression Group
This group was formulated to assist individuals in alleviating depression, increasing self-esteem and self worth and in reducing the reoccurrence of another depressive episode. Individuals will feel empowered and more connected in their relationships with others.
Domestic Violence Group
A group created to assist individuals in developing effective communication patterns, efficient conflict-resolution skills and in ensuring safety of partners and/or family members. This group will help individuals in creating safe and effective interactions within the family that is conducive to creating and sustaining healthy relationships within the family.
Eating Disorders Support Group
This group was designed to assist individuals struggling with a distorted body image and eating disorder. Within this group, individuals will be assisted in healing and recovery by developing a support system to foster a healthy body image, eating patterns and improve self-esteem.
Enhancing Intimate Relationships: Couple’s Support Group
This group is designed to cultivate, restore and deepen love and intimacy in couples. This group will assist couples in enriching their relationships and in rekindling the romance and profound love that is integral for an intimate relationship.
Men’s Support Group
This group was designed to assist men in addressing the unique issues that are relevant to modern men. Topics that will be addressed include achieving balance between managing a family and career, stress-management, intimate relationships, and healthy living..
New Mother’s Support Group
A group formulated for new mothers to receive education and support in transitioning to motherhood. New mother’s will increase their sense of connection to other new mothers, learn how to integrate and balance their identity of “mother” with other identities, feel more confident in their parenting, sustain and/or improve their intimacy with their partners.
• Positive-Parenting Education and Support Group
Parents will learn to elicit more appropriate behaviors from their children. Through education and support, parents will feel more confident in their parenting, worry less about their children, improve their relationships with their children and partners, and improve communication, problem-solving and limit setting.
Single-Parents Support Group
This group was formulated to help single parents deal with the unique demands and challenges of being a single parent. Groups will focus on the challenges of single parenthood, balancing work and family life and intimacy issues related to being a single parent.
Shyness Group
This group was designed to assist individuals in improving their social interactions with others. Individuals will improve on their communication skills, increase their self-esteem and personal relationships.
Survivors of Toxic Parenting Group
This group was designed to provide individuals with the support and encouragement needed to improve their self-esteem and make choices that are congruent with one’s values. Individuals will be empowered to love themselves and others.
Rape Survivor Group
his group was designed to help individuals who have been sexually assaulted. Individuals are provided with a forum to discuss their feelings and concerns, receive support and encouragement and increase self-esteem.
Recovery Group for Addicted Populations
A group designed to assist individuals with chemical dependency issues to become “clean and sober.” This group will help individuals receive compassionate support, avoid relapse, learn and employ alternative constructive coping skills and maintain recovery.
Teen-Talk Adolescents Support Group
This group was created to provide teens with safe place to discuss issues unique to adolescents. Topics that will be covered include self-esteem, body image, sexuality, relationships and personal goals.
Wonder-Women Support Group
This group was designed to assist women in addressing the unique issues that are relevant to women. Topics that will be addressed include achieving balance between the self and others, managing family and career, self-esteem, intimate relationships, body image and healthy living.
Group Information
Fees: $50 per group session or ask about our monthly discounts
• To enroll: call (858)792-3541
• Email:
Please email us at to inquire whether we offer other groups or to provide an idea for a group.