Deep-rooted belly laughter is powerful. Laughter as medicine is gaining more awareness and popularity, especially in science. Deep belly laughter is a wonderful human experience that allows us to experience the joy that life brings. It can bring people closer together through sharing of experience and deepening connections. It brings warmth and joy to relationships. It immediately boosts our mood and brings a vital energy into our hearts and being.
Researchers, Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan at Loma Linda University have conducted various studies on laughter. These scientists have outlined several benefits to laughter. Based on these results, doctors should be prescribing laughter as a medicine and we should incorporate laughter into our daily lives.
1. Lowers blood pressure:
Lowering blood pressure helps reduce risk of strokes and heart attacks. So turn on you-tube and watch funny videos!
2. Reduces stress hormone levels
Decreasing stress hormones in your body eliminates the anxiety and stress impacting your body. As a result, your immunity improves as well.
3. Fun ab workout
Laughter is a natural ab toner. When you are laughing, the muscles in your stomach expand and contract, similar to when you intentionally exercise your abs. You may skip the ab crunches and tone your core through laughter.
4. Improves cardiac health
Laughter is a great cardio workout. It makes your start heart pumping and burns a similar amount of calories per hour as walking at a slow to moderate pace.
5. Boosts T cells
When you engage in laughter, you activate T cells which boost your immune system. The stronger your immune system, your body’s ability to effectively fight off sickness and disease improves.
6. Produces a general sense of well-being
Laughter can increase your overall sense of well-being. Doctors have found that people who are more optimistic in their view of life tend to fight medical conditions such as anxiety and depression better than people who tend to be more negative. So smile, laugh and live longer!
I am committed to providing the highest quality of care and maintain a deep desire to facilitate personal transformation that allows individuals to live whole-heartedly. My desire is that individuals live a life embodied with peace, joy, love, and prosperity. I hope to accomplish my purpose, which is to help you live your dream of realizing your fullest potential in a personal and meaningful manner that allows you to live the life you want.
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