Accepting one’s self wholeheartedly is the first step in creating a life that is embedded in love instead of fear. Inaccurately we perceive the “problems” as being present in the external world. However, the impasse lies and resides within each of us. Whenever we act out from the ego in anger or frustration the source of those emotions are merely the consequence of our own self-denial. When we do not accept portions of ourselves because we do not see them or because we do not want to see them, then we do not have full self-acceptance which means we cannot love ourselves completely.
The physical world can be a powerful a mirror. When you notice and identify the flaws in others; the reason these flaws may seem obvious to you is because the universe is reflecting back to you a part of yourself that you are struggling to perceive and as a result having difficulty accepting. In order for a person to evolve existentially and/or spiritually we must first recognize the things that need evolving.
When we recognize that change is needed, growth can occur. One’s awareness and commitment to change allows us to accept ourselves as we are. With self-acceptance comes self-love which is vital. If we do not have 100% self-love then we cannot extend 100% love outwardly to others in the world.
A helpful metaphor is to think of self-love as the oxygen mask that pops out of the overhead compartment in an airplane when oxygen levels are dangerously low. Having self-love is similar to putting your oxygen mask on first before you assist others with theirs. Once you are fully receiving the amount of oxygen required for your health and wellness, then you are in a good position to assist others. If you spread yourself thin trying to help others before putting your own mask on, not only will you NOT be any help to others but you will have created a situation that is detrimental to yourself as well.
When you accept only certain things about yourself, then you cannot love yourself fully. If you only accept 50% of yourself but the other 50% you just don’t want to see or accept it would be like having an oxygen mask with an obstruction in the middle of the breathing tube. If you have the mask on but you are only receiving 50% of the available oxygen you may be more useful than someone who has no oxygen mask, but imagine how much more help you could give if you were breathing in 100% of the oxygen supply. When we take care of ourselves we ground ourselves in wellness and from that place can care for others.
When we accept ourselves fully then we are giving ourselves 100% of our love. We are breathing in all of the available oxygen. Now we can be confident that our abilities to share love with others will never be compromised. Everything must begin within us. When we fully love and accept ourselves, what we find is an outcome full of love and acceptance of those around us.
The outside world is a reflection of our inner world. If you are not satisfied with the reflection in the mirror, change the person standing in front of the mirror. In order to ALLOW change to happen you must first ACCEPT all the parts that need changing.
Source: Rev. Marcy Ellen
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