On the scale of life’s most stressful events, divorce rates number two, ranking secondly only after death on the famous Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale. If it’s taking you a while to bounce back post-split, go easy on yourself, divorce is stressful. The split is like an earthquake that shakes your life into pieces. Restore a sense of normalcy with fresh starts like household, friendship and emotional replacements.
Replacing your mattress and bedding helps eliminate the intimacy you once shared with this person. How can you start fresh if you’re falling asleep every night in the bed where promises were made, the future was planned, children were conceived and sweet nothings were whispered? Break that sentimental attachment to your bed, remember his monstrous storing and order a mattress from macys.com. Design your new bedroom exactly how you’d like. Do you want the pinkest, frilliest, most flowery sheets and bedding? Go for whatever your girlie heart desires. You no longer have to compromise with anyone.
Since you’re the lady of the house, enhance the security of your home. Call a locksmith and have all the locks replaced to maintain your peace of mind. If your former loses his keys (like he always does), you won’t have to worry about where the keys could end up.
– Reference: The Access Locksmiths Website.
Unfortunately, you may also have to let go of mutual friends in a divorce. A shared social network suffers among the damage of a divorce. Look at your divorce as an opportunity and new beginning for cultivating new friendships. Play on a local kickball league, take cooking classes, join a book club, and find activities that reflect your personal interests. Now is the time to reinvest in your personal interests and establish new, supportive relationships that positively influence your new, single identity.
His & Hers
Items like wine glasses, fancy dishes, knick-knacks or photos that represent special times in your life together are goners. Photos are delicate possessions, especially if you have children. Suddenly removing all memories of your family together can be painful and confusing for your children. Avoid creating a shrine, however, to the dad who no longer lives in the house. Strike a healthy compromise by taking new photos of you and the children having fun together, and let the kids keep a few special photos of dad in their room.
The hardest replacements you could make after a divorce are toxic feelings of resentments and grudges. Letting go of resentment or regret is good for your health. In fact, Mayo Clinic reports that forgiveness can lower blood pressure, reduce depression and decrease anxiety. It can also lead to healthier relationships in the future, which is what every divorced woman should focus on – her bright and happy future. Contact Tiffany Fina Law firm to ensure that the best interests of you and your children are protected.
Visit: https://www.thevirgalawfirm.com/orlando/ for custom created strategies in dealing with child support, alimony and divorce cases.
I am committed to providing the highest quality of care and maintain a deep desire to facilitate personal transformation that allows individuals to live whole-heartedly. My desire is that individuals live a life embodied with peace, joy, love, and prosperity. I hope to accomplish my purpose, which is to help you live your dream of realizing your fullest potential in a personal and meaningful manner that allows you to live the life you want.
A.C.T. will provide free resource information for individuals and families to help promote education. For more information, please contact Dr. Drecun at Dr.Drecun@a4ct.com or (858) 792-3541. You may also visit us online at www.a4ct.com. ACT serves the Del Mar 92014 and Rancho Santa Fe 92067 area.