Happiness is a conscious choice we commit to. It is an attitude we adopt regardless of circumstances. It is more …
Humans are inherently seeking happiness. Yet research suggests that humans poorly predict what will make them happy. The consequence of …
Happiness is a conscious choice in which individuals learn to refine and create for themselves. No one can create happiness …
At the heart of joyful living is the wisdom to know what happiness is and is not. Happiness is a …
Positive thinking is a mental process that allows for thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and …
The habits we engage in impact the quality of our lives. Highly successful people are unconsciously and competently engaging in …
Humans naturally seek happiness and avoid suffering. They inaccurately assume that once they achieve certain goals such as their dream …
Joyful living or happiness is a concept that individuals desperately desire and sometimes struggle to understand or attain. People convince …
12 Behaviors Happy People Engage in to increase their Happiness. Studies conducted by positivity psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky point to 12 …